A lot of my finding so far, have been observing students (and teachers) while I was a TOC in various classrooms. I found that the courses where students could direct their learning more, (drama, music...art) seemed, for obvious reason, more engaged in their learing. With English, the curriculum seems more 'set' and more difficult to adapt in some ways. Students get used to doing things in a particular way. (read, write, questions, test, read...) I thought by adding to this, making some of the assighments online-or a palce to discuss in -class assighments, I could creat another classroom of sorts-a social network. But, the students, most of whom already were using tools like Facebook, Texting, seemed to look at this 'wiki' as yet another 'job' or assignment (which is was). I also know that given I was not the full-time teacher, many did not take my lesson seriously. I may have more response ( I know I would have actually) with the grade 9's. I was planning to set up a blog with them but could not get access to the lab to do this with them for one of the periods. From all of this and what I have seen in other classrooms where it works, I would definately use Blogs and Wikis in my classroom. It was be part of the overall curriculum in any subject I taught. For English, I would use Blogs for discussions and reflections, and have students use their own blog for journal entries which could be posted to feedback or kept private for just teacher feedback.
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